With Cloud Cost Management (CCM), you can have a parent account with multiple child sub-accounts. The sub-accounts are subordinate organizations (sub-orgs) that can be configured to roll up cost data to the parent account. You can view all the sub-org data in CCM dashboards, rather than having to view each account individually.
Sub-org cost details are presented on a dashboard called Customers.
Using sub-accounts requires a Pro License with additional reseller or MSP features enabled by Virtana. Only administrators can manage the sub-accounts.
For resellers and MSPs, any data sources that are configured at the parent level will populate all standard reports for the reseller or MSP. The reports include all data across any integrated cloud providers.
An end customer will only see the data sources for their specific child organization (sub-org). Customers can view Cost Savings and Cost vs Utilization (CvU) reports.
If you are using AWS as your cloud provider and want child sub-account data visible in the parent account, you must have enabled consolidated billing in AWS and linked the child accounts to the parent under Settings > Integrations > Cloud Providers.
Aspects of reseller billing:
At the time an organization is created in CCM, a primary payer account is established and all of the related sub-org accounts are created and linked to the primary.
Adding sub-orgs after creation of the initial accounts requires assistance from Virtana Support.
Users with access to a sub-org do not have access to the primary account or other sub-orgs, unless specifically given access.
The reserved instances (RIs) or savings plans purchased in a primary account can apply, fully or partially, to instances in the sub-accounts.
The RIs or savings plans purchased in a sub-account are only available to instances in that sub-account.
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