Cost vs Utilization (CvU) reports provide per-instance visibility into cloud spend and utilization, updated daily. These reports enable you to easily identify expensive instances and compare them against utilization, type, entities, tags, and data transfer rates.
These multi-dimensional reports also break down information like total versus individual instance costs or the cost for each AWS instance state (Reserved, On-Demand) or Azure instance size.
You can customize reports to provide the information you need to determine if cloud instances are providing the expected value. Use custom tagging to group your instances. and use filters to find resources with spend that meets certain conditions. Create reports to get data for charge-back billing, to identify data transfer costs per entity, to determine which resources might be underutilized and can be hibernated, right-sized, or eliminated, etc. You can then email the reports to appropriate recipients.
CvU Reports are generated daily at 07:00 UTC. Frequency of report generation cannot be modified.
Virtana Platform reports display currency only in US dollars (USD}. To accurately reflect costs, ensure your data sources have the currency display set to US dollars in the AWS or Azure portal. For Azure, see Set the Currency Option in Azure to USD.
The default CvU report displays a bar graph that shows the total costs incurred for the AWS or Azure instances monitored by Cloud Cost Management (CCM). Use this view to see the total cost of your environment and total contributions by category. The left-hand axis shows cumulative cost in US dollars. The right-hand axis shows a cumulative percent contribution for CPU or memory utilization. The bars in the graph represent US dollars and the black dots represent the utilization percentage.
You can modify this view by applying a different report filter, by editing the report Settings, and by changing the time range. You can also display the top 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, or 400 results or all results.
Cost Details
You can see further details about your instances by reviewing the contents of the Cost Details table.
This table shows the total costs incurred for all the instances for which CCM does calculations. Use this view to see the total cost of your environment and total contributions by category.
All cost categories are shown in this chart even if you have incurred no costs of a particular type.
Sometimes the settings for a report do not apply to any resources in your environment. When that happens, the report will be empty, displaying no results. If the report is set up for email, a report might not be sent.
Related Topics
Cost vs Utilization Report Settings
Default Settings for Cost vs Utilization Reports
Use the Cost vs Utilization (CvU) page to analyze cost data presented across all of your consolidated or linked accounts for Azure and AWS EC2, RDS, and S3 services. Using the tabs at the top of the page, you can move between the reports for EC2, RDS, S3, and Azure.
From this page you can view costs relative to utilization of your AWS and Azure instances. View data by instance type, CPU or memory utilization, data transfer rates, bucket size, put/get requests, compute hours, and other factors.
Each CvU report includes a graphical Summary section and a table of Cost Details for each Azure and AWS service.
Some things you can do with CvU reports:
Compare entity usage to Cloud Service Provider (CSP) cost, in total and based on instance type, utilization percentage, and other factors
Identify entities with low utilization that can be eliminated or repurposed
Locate usage spikes over varying time periods
From the Cost vs Utilization page you can perform the following actions:
Create, edit, and save CvU report settings
View CvU reports as a graphical summary or a table
Download report data as a
spreadsheet -
Print the chart or download it in a variety of formats
Edit and save report filters
Schedule CvU reports for emailing
Summary Graph
The Default CvU report displays a bar graph that shows the total costs incurred for the integration instances monitored by Cloud Cost Management. Use this view to see the total cost of your environment relative to utilization of resources. You can also view total contributions by category.
The left-hand axis, represented by the bars on the grraph, shows cumulative cost in US dollars. The right-hand axis shows a cumulative percent contribution for utilization. The black dots represent the utilization percentage in the graph.
You can modify this view by applying a different report filter, by editing the report Settings, and by changing the time range. You can also display the top 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, or 400 results or all results.
For more details specific to the AWS and Azure reports, see Description of AWS Cost vs Utilization Reports and Description of Azure Cost vs Utilization Report.
Cost Details Table
The Cost Details table provides a tabular view of the data in the graph. You can view total cost, or cost by instance type, resource utilization, data transfer, and other metrics. The number and names of columns change depending on the CSP and service type selected.
Related Topics
Cost vs Utilization Report Settings
You can create, edit, or email reports that contain Cost vs Utilization (CvU) data. Cloud Cost Management (CCM) includes Default AWS and Azure reports for CvU that you cannot modify or delete. However, you can make changes to the Settings for a Default report and save the changes with a new name. Viewing reports requires only a read-only role.
You can also use policies to add constraints to the reports. Creating policies requires an administrator role.
About This Task
To complete this task, you must select a report filter and then edit and save the report settings.
You should be familiar with the use of tags and attributes in CCM before creating or editing reports. See Filtering in Virtana Platform and Filtering and Grouping Options for more information.
Virtana Platform reports display currency only in US dollars (USD}. To accurately reflect costs, ensure your data sources have the currency display set to US dollars in the AWS or Azure portal. For Azure, see Set the Currency Option in Azure to USD.
In the CCM module, navigate to Cost vs Utilization.
Select a report Filter that is associated with the data source you want.
Select the report Settings to modify and click to edit the report.
Under Report Format, select the following:
Apply the configuration to view the report.
Click the time range selector to view data for different time periods.
For AWS data sources, the Latest 12 Months and Year to date time range options are disabled, as they would not provide usable data.
Other actions you can perform from this page:
To undo changes to Settings, click .
This icon only displays when there are unsaved changes to Settings. After the changes are saved, you cannot revert the changes.
Save the report settings.
You can select the option to update the current report or save it with a new name. You cannot undo changes to settings after changes are saved.
Give reports unique descriptive names so you can easily distinguish them as you add more reports. Establishing a naming convention can be helpful.
Email a report or schedule a report for email by clicking in the upper right of the page.
If Data Transfer values display as $0.00, it is because the real value is only a fraction of a cent and is rounded off to zero.
Sometimes the settings for a report do not apply to any resources in your environment. When that happens, the report will be empty, displaying no results. If the report is set up for email, a report might not be sent.
Related Topics
Cloud Cost Management (CCM) provides a predefined Cost vs Utilization report with the following default parameter settings. Most of these Default report settings are the same for all CvU reports for AWS and Azure, with only a few variations.
For a list of all available parameters and allowable options that you can set for customized reports, see Cost vs Utilization Report Settings.
Report Filter
All Cloud Entities
Time Range Selector
Latest 30 Days
Report Format
Group Data by: Entity Name
Sort Data by: Total Cost, Descending
Limit number of groups in the chart: Top 10
Utilization Metric: CPU Utilization %
Metric Statistic: Maximum
Matching conditions
Total Cost > with no value entered
All Cloud Entities
Time Range Selector
Latest 30 Days
Report Format
Group Data by: Entity Name
Sort Data by: Total Cost, Descending
Limit number of groups in the chart: Top 10
Matching conditions
Total Cost > with no value entered
All Cloud Entities
Time Range Selector
Latest 30 Days
Report Format
Group Data by: Entity Name
Sort Data by: Total Cost, Descending
Limit number of groups in the chart: Top 10
Utilization Metric: CPU Utilization %
Metric Statistic: Maximum
Matching conditions
Total Cost > with no value entered
Following are the available parameter settings that you can customize for Cost vs Utilization (CvU) reports. These settings apply to both AWS and Azure reports.
For a list of the default settings for CvU reports, see Default Settings for Cost vs Utilization Reports.
Report Format
Group Data by: Select from the categories General, Attribute, Tag, Period, or Other
Sort Data by: Select the item to sort by and whether the data is presented in ascending or descending order.
Options are:
Limit number of groups in the chart: Options are Show All, Top 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 400, 1000.
Utilization Metric: Options are CPU Utilization % or Memory Utilization %.
Memory utilization metric collection depends on AWS CloudWatch. If you need to install CloudWatch on the EC2 instance you want metrics for, see AWS documentation for installation details.
Metric Statistic: Options are Mean, Maximum, 95th Percentile, Minimum.
The content of the graph and table columns in the report change depending on the Utilization Metric and Metric Statistic that are chosen.
Matching conditions
Select the cost or percentage and greater than, less than, equal to symbol, and enter the value.
Related Topics
Default Settings for Cost vs Utilization Reports
Use the AWS Cost vs Utilization (CvU) reports to analyze cost data across all of your consolidated or linked AWS accounts. This report provides a breakdown of your costs for EC2, RDS, and S3 resources. The AWS CvU report is generated daily after initial setup.
This report is an ideal place to start your right-sizing planning because it allows you to quickly understand your infrastructure spend on an operational level. For example, you might identify an over-reliance on On-Demand resources, such as using On-Demand for predictable, long-term workloads that are more suited for reservations and savings plans. Or you might note workloads that are less critical and less time sensitive, so they might be good choices for less expensive Spot instances.
Cloud Cost Management (CCM) relies on the AWS CloudWatch agent to collect Memory metrics. If you have a mix of entities with and without an agent, you will see gaps in the utilization figures where values are not available.
Summary Graph
Click the image to enlarge it:
Use this view to see the total cost of your environment and total contributions by category.
- Left Axis
Always displays the total cost in US dollars.
Ensure your AWS instances have the currency display set to US dollars in the AWS portal.
- Right Axis
Displays a cumulative percent contribution of each of the bars. The label changes based on the Utilization Metric and Metric Statistic Options selected in the report Settings.
Options are the following:
Utilization Metric: CPU Utilization % or Memory Utilization %
Metric Statistic: Mean, Maximum, 95th Percentile, Minimum
- Legend of Cost Categories
The cost categories displayed in the legend below the chart are reflected in the columns in the Cost Details table.
Cost Details Table
Click the image to enlarge it:
This table shows the total costs incurred for all the instances for which CCM does calculations. Use this view to see the total cost of your environment and total contributions by category.
All cost categories are shown in this chart even if you have incurred no costs of a particular type.
You can use this view to determine the following:
- Cost by the Group By Resource
The header in the first column of the table changes depending on the Group By selection in report Settings. (Examples: Entity Name, Location, Account, etc.) View the relative cost of the resources you grouped by and compare their level of utilization.
For example, view the total cost for each entity, as well as the cost per instance state (Reserved, On-Demand, etc.) and data transfer rate. You can also identify the instance type for each Group By resource and the maximum utilization by percentage.
You can only choose Cumulative Daily Run Rate when the time range is set to Current Month.
When you select a Group Data by option of "Cumulative Daily Run Rate" the chart and table change to be grouped by day of the month, and the chart shows cumulative totals instead of daily totals. (Meaning day 3 shows totals for day 1 + day 2 + day 3).
- Cost by Instance Type
View the maximum utilization for each entity per instance type, such as t3.medium, m5.large, m4.xlarge, etc. Sort any instance type column to see which entities have the lowest or highest cost per instance type.
See Amazon AWS documentation for descriptions of each instance type.
- CPU Utilization or Memory Utilization %
The utilization % column header changes depending on the Utilization Metric and Metric Statistic selected in the report Settings.
Compare the relative cost and utilization of your instances among their peers. Determine which entities have relatively high utilization and lower cost compared with entities that have lower utilization and higher costs.
The content of the graph and table columns in the report change depending on the Utilization Metric and Metric Statistic that are chosen.
AWS CloudWatch is required to collect memory metrics.
- Cost by Instance
Compare cost and utilization for Reserved, On-Demand, On-Demand Savings Plan, and Spot Instance pricing models.
See Amazon AWS documentation or glossary for descriptions of the AWS instances.
- Data Transfer
Identify high data transfer rates that might be mitigated by changing instance type or instance pricing model (Reserved, On-Demand, etc.).
Summary Graph
Click the image to enlarge it:
Use this view to see the total cost of your environment and total contributions by category.
- Left Axis
Always displays the total cost in US dollars.
Ensure your AWS instances have the currency display set to US dollars in the AWS portal.
- Right Axis
Displays a cumulative percent contribution of each of the bars. The label changes based on the Utilization Metric and Metric Statistic Options selected in the report Settings.
Options are the following:
Utilization Metric: CPU Utilization %, Disk Space Used %, or Disk I/O %
Metric Statistic: Mean, Maximum, 95th Percentile, Minimum
- Legend of Cost Categories
The cost categories displayed in the legend below the chart are reflected in the columns in the Cost Details table.
Cost Details Table
Click the image to enlarge it:
This table shows the total costs incurred for all the instances for which CCM does calculations. Use this view to see the total cost of your environment and total contributions by category.
All cost categories are shown in this chart even if you have incurred no costs of a particular type.
You can use this view to determine the following:
- Cost by the Group By Resource
The header in the first column of the table changes depending on the Group By selection in report Settings. (Examples: Entity Name, Location, Account, etc.) View the relative cost of the resources you grouped by and compare their level of utilization.
For example, view the total cost for each entity, as well as the cost per instance state (Reserved, On-Demand, etc.) and data transfer rate. You can also identify the instance type for each Group By resource and the maximum utilization by percentage.
You can only choose Cumulative Daily Run Rate when the time range is set to Current Month.
When you select a Group Data by option of "Cumulative Daily Run Rate" the chart and table change to be grouped by day of the month, and the chart shows cumulative totals instead of daily totals. (Meaning day 3 shows totals for day 1 + day 2 + day 3).
- Cost by Instance Type
View the maximum utilization for each entity per instance type, such as t3.medium, m5.large, m4.xlarge, etc. Sort any instance type column to see which entities have the lowest or highest cost per instance type.
See Amazon AWS documentation for descriptions of each instance type.
- Cost by Utilization % (CPU, Disk Space Used, or Disk I/O)
The utilization % column header changes depending on the Utilization Metric and Metric Statistic selected in the report Settings.
Compare the relative cost and utilization of your instances among their peers. Determine which entities have relatively high utilization and lower cost compared with entities that have lower utilization and higher costs.
The content of the graph and table columns in the report change depending on the Utilization Metric and Metric Statistic that are chosen.
- Cost by Instance
Compare cost and utilization for Reserved, On-Demand, On-Demand Savings Plan, and Spot Instance pricing models.
See Amazon AWS documentation or glossary for descriptions of the AWS instances.
- Data Transfer
Identify high data transfer rates that might be mitigated by changing instance type or instance pricing model (Reserved, On-Demand, etc.).
Summary Graph
Click the image to enlarge it:
Use this view to see the total cost of your environment and total contributions by category.
- Left Axis
Always displays the total cost in US dollars.
Ensure your AWS instances have the currency display set to US dollars in the AWS portal.
- Right Axis
Displays a cumulative percent contribution of each of the bars. The label changes based on the Utilization Metric and Metric Statistic Options selected in the report Settings.
- Legend of Cost Categories
The cost categories displayed in the legend below the chart are reflected in the columns in the Cost Details table.
Cost Details Table
Click the image to enlarge it:
This table shows the total costs incurred for all the instances for which CCM does calculations. Use this view to see the total cost of your environment and total contributions by category.
All cost categories are shown in this chart even if you have incurred no costs of a particular type.
You can use this view to determine the following:
- Cost by the Group By Resource
The header in the first column of the table changes depending on the Group By selection in report Settings. (Examples: Entity Name, Location, Account, etc.) View the relative cost of the resources you grouped by and compare their level of utilization.
For example, view the total cost for each entity, as well as the cost per instance state (Reserved, On-Demand, etc.) and data transfer rate. You can also identify the instance type for each Group By resource and the maximum utilization by percentage.
You can only choose Cumulative Daily Run Rate when the time range is set to Current Month.
When you select a Group Data by option of "Cumulative Daily Run Rate" the chart and table change to be grouped by day of the month, and the chart shows cumulative totals instead of daily totals. (Meaning day 3 shows totals for day 1 + day 2 + day 3).
- Cost by Bucket Size or Number of Objects
The utilization % column header changes depending on the Utilization Metric and Metric Statistic selected in the report Settings.
View the mean, minimum, maximum, or 95th percentile utilization for each entity, relative to data flow, put/get requests, storage type, etc. Sort column or filter the table to see which entities have the lowest or highest cost.
Compare the relative cost and utilization of your instances among their peers. Determine which entities have relatively high utilization and lower cost compared with entities that have lower utilization and higher costs.
The content of the graph and table columns in the report change depending on the Utilization Metric and Metric Statistic that are chosen.
- Cost by Data In/Out, Put/Get Requests
Identify, per resource, any high data in/out rates and put/get request rates that might be mitigated.
- Cost by Direct Connect Data in/Out
Consider if you might save costs by moving a heavy-bandwidth workload to Direct Connect, so data is transferred directly to and from AWS rather than an internet service provider (ISP).
- Cost by Storage Type
Determine costs based on storage type relative to bucket size, data in/out, and get/put requests. Storage types include the following;
Standard Storage
Glacier Storage
Standard Infrequent Access (SIA) Storage
Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS)
Tag Storage
Direct Connect Data in and Out
See the AWS product website or glossary for descriptions of storage and storage classes.
Use the Azure Cost vs Utilization (CvU) Report to analyze cost data across all of your consolidated or linked Azure subscriptions. This report provides a breakdown of your costs for Azure VM resources. The Azure CvU report is updated daily after initial setup.
This report is an ideal place to start your right-sizing planning because it allows you to quickly understand your infrastructure spend on an operational level.
You can access the Azure CvU report from Cloud Cost Management (CCM) > Cost vs Utilization > Azure VM Cost.
Click the image to enlarge it:
Use this view to see the total cost of your environment and total contributions by category.
- Left Axis
Always displays the total cost in US dollars.
Ensure your Azure accounts have the currency display set to US dollars (USD) in Microsoft Azure portal. See "Set the Currency Option in Azure" in Virtana Platform Administration.
- Right Axis
Displays a cumulative percent contribution of each of the bars. The label changes based on the Utilization Metric and Metric Statistic Options selected in the report Settings.
- Legend of Cost Categories
The cost categories displayed in the legend below the chart are reflected in the columns in the Cost Details table.
Cost Details
See the Microsoft Azure website for descriptions of Azure products and pricing.
Click the image to enlarge it:
Cost Details Table
This table shows the total costs incurred for all the instances for which CCM does calculations. Use this view to see the total cost of your environment and total contributions by category.
All cost categories are shown in this chart even if you have incurred no costs of a particular type.
You can use this view to determine the following:
- Cost by the Group By Resource
The header in the first column of the table changes depending on the Group By selection in report Settings. (Examples: Entity Name, Location, Account, etc.) View the relative cost of the resources you grouped by and compare their level of utilization.
For example, view the total cost for each entity, as well as the cost per instance size, compute hours, and data transfer rate. You can also identify the instance type for each Group By resource and the maximum utilization by percentage, and so forth.
You can only choose Cumulative Daily Run Rate when the time range is set to Current Month.
When you select a Group Data by option of "Cumulative Daily Run Rate" the chart and table change to be grouped by day of the month, and the chart shows cumulative totals instead of daily totals. (Meaning day 3 shows totals for day 1 + day 2 + day 3).
- Cost by Instance Size
View the maximum utilization for each entity based on the instance size. Sort the instance size column to see which entities have the lowest or highest cost per instance size.
- CPU Utilization or Memory Utilization %
Compare the relative cost and utilization of your instances among their peers. Determine which entities have relatively high utilization and lower cost compared with entities that have lower utilization and higher costs.
The content of the graph and table columns in the report change depending on the Utilization Metric and Metric Statistic that are chosen.
- Cost by Compute Hours
Displays the total cost for hourly instance fees (Compute Hours). Compute the hours by number of instances * VM Size * clock hours.
- Data Transfer
Identify high data transfer rates that might be mitigated by changing instance size.
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